The Department of Science and Technology (DST) made its key priorities for the 2015/2016 financial year public at the annual Budget Vote held in Cape Town on Thursday, 22 May 2015. Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, addressed the media at the GCIS Imbizo Centre in Parliament after taking a tour of an exhibition held in The Company’s Garden.
Minister Pandor spent the morning admiring the recent works of South African researchers in the Science and Technology sector such as the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the National Research Foundation (NRF) and support systems like the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA).
After Minister Pandor visited all the exhibitions, it was time for pupils from high schools in Cape Town to view the displays and speak to professionals about what a career in Science entails. Showcasing the products and research projects of the key industry players creates a sense of excitement and inspires the youth to pursue their inquisitive nature into a career in Science, Technology and innovation.
The official tabling of the Budget Vote took place later that day at the Old Assembly Chamber in Parliament. Minister Pandor explained the key priorities of the DST and named the main beneficiaries. DST entities that are set to receive Parliamentary grants include the NRF, the CSIR, TIA, the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) and the South African National Space Agency (SANSA).
For the upcoming financial year, the Department hopes to increase the socio-economic growth rate in South Africa’s Science and Technology sector by investing in human capital and prompting improved knowledge. Improving infrastructure and research projects is also highlighted as being a key priority in the next financial year.
The DST Budget Vote will be explained in detail in our upcoming Youth Issue to be published at the end of June 2015. More images can be seen on our Facebook page.